Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life Gives Us Many Reasons to Celebrate...

We were so busy over the holiday's that I never had time to blog! There has been some changes in our lives one in which we are so very happy about! The biggest change in our lives, one that we have been waiting for so anxiously, is the adoption of Gavin by Andrew! Gavin is now officially, Gavin Lew Heineman! Gavin is truly blessed to have such a wonderful Dad. Andrew has been in our lives since Gavin was a year old and ever since that special day we met, 2 and a half years ago, each moment of each day has been filled with love, laughter and happiness!
"Our heavenly Father lights our lives and guides us on our way"--Gavin received a very special card from his (Great) Aunt Julie and Uncle Kurt with this quote. I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of our lives each and every day, having us and especially my little angel, Gavin, in your thoughts and prayers. I couldn't be more thankful to have all this love and support from our family and friends.
Some pictures from Thanksgiving...

Gavin was able to watch his Uncle Teddy play for Trinity Highschool.....number 1 in the nation...won state! Goooo Teddy!!

Gavin playing with his cousin, Madison

Helping Daddy and Paw Paw put up Christmas lights on the house...

Decorating the tree...

Listening and watching for the train to go by...

 Some pictures before Christmas...
decorating our first tree together as a family

looking under the tree at "the stars" as Andrew did as a child.

Christmas in the Oaks...

Riding the train...

Gavin's favorite... riding the carousel. My mom and I standing at the bottom weren't quite sure how all 3 of them fit into that! Very funny.

Gavin's Christmas program at his school...

Some pictures from Christmas...

Christmas Eve at my Grandparents... Megan and Billy opening gifts

Hi Dad!

Anna opening her gift


They got peanut butter! Haha.

My sweetheart :)

Gavin smiling at his great-grandparents

My cousin, Christine and Aunt Christie

Cousin, Jon opening his gift

These boys....crazy boys.....stuffing turkey in their cheeks and talking like hicks.

Christmas morning! The 3 of us had our own little Christmas in our parents basement where we were staying while we were in Kentucky. It was perfect!

Santa came!

Eating breakfast with mimosa' favorite! :) Well Gavin, of course...had just a plain orange juice (he's not quite ready to add a little spice to his drinks yet)

My friend, Ashley, from Louisiana sent Gavin a gift!! How nice of her to think of him. Thank you!

He LOVED it!

Uncle Matt's gift to Gavin. Now they can both play together! It was quite adorable.

O'Dea Christmas Party! Didn't get many pictures :(

Opening gifts at Nonnie and Pop's

This chair Gavin is sitting in is from Nonnie and special!

Attempting to put Gavin's tent together... 

Colleen's gift for Gavin

A train horn!

Connect 4!

Christmas party with Andrew's Dad's family

Gavin having fun and relaxing with Pop's 

Thank you Madison for the gifts...

Reading some stories before bedtime...

UofK and UofL basketball game....of course, UofK won so for second year in a row Andrew had to put on a Kentucky shirt.

UofL game with Andrew. I definetly couldn't cheer for the Cards so I wore navy and blue stripe shirt for Georgetown. Of course, UofL lost so I was told I wasn't able to go back to another UofL game. Whoops.

Out with friends....

 Our sweet dog, Maggie...she was recently hospitalized and diagnosed with diabetes but is doing much better now!

Pictures from New Years Eve.....We all went to our friend Megan's cabin in Harrdosburg, Ky for the night. It was a great time!



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